Griffiths Architects Projects

Featured Consultation Porfolio

Fremantle Prison
Government House
His Majesty's Theatre
King Edward Memorial Hospital 1946
Perth GPO
WA Museum
Dumas House 1967
Albany Town Hall
Hale House
Rottnest Island (Lake and Hostel)
MCL Convalescent House 1910

Conservation Management Plans

Comprehensive documents for management of heritage values prepared for Government House, Parliament House, Kings Park and His Majesty's Theatre.

Conservation Strategy

A prioritised list of works to conserve the heritage fabric of a place for Wyening Mission, St. Joseph’s Convent, Northam, Harvest House, Captain Stirling.

Heritage Assessments

Heritage Value and their relative importance within a state or local context for Studio Iwanof, Hay Street/ Rokeby Road, Peppermint Grove, Australian Fine China Subiaco, KEMH.

Heritage Impact Statements

Proposed development impact upon a heritage place and its values for Perth Girls School (Fmr), Dumas House, Fremantle Prison, Spicer’s Site Fremantle.

Archival Records

Documentation of a heritage place prepared prior to development for Albany Town Hall, Warder’s Cottages Fremantle, Perth Chest Clinic, Mundaring Weir.

Heritage Planning Advice

Guidance to owners and developers on the likely capacity for hertiage change of a broader proposal for City of Subiaco, Town of Cambridge, City of Fremantle, Hisperia Developments

Heritage Development Guidelines

Preparation to retain and enhance the values of a place prepared for Town of East Fremantle, City of Subiaco, Coolgardie, Rottnest Lodge, Rottnest Hotel.

Conservation and Remediation

Guidance, design, and documentation of remediation works to existing places for His Majesty’s Theatre, Wandana Subiaco, Dumas House, Government House.

Interpretation Strategy

Thematic material to guide the design and implementation to tell the story for Woodside East Fremantle, Bronte Street Cemeteries East Perth, Australian Fine China Subiaco, ABC Studios Perth

Architectural Services

Design and building management to simpify the building process from design, tender and project management to completion.